1-877-227-9234 info@thriftypost.com


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Profit from the Unmatched Success of Print & Online Marketing
Thriftypost.com is the digital connection that drives traffic to your business and delivers your ads and deals to the audience that not only wants them but actively seeks them out.
In conjunction with the power of our local print magazines, we uniquely combine the reach of direct mail with e-Commerce marketing. Through this simple packaged approach to local advertising, Thriftypost.com delivers both immediate response and long-term customer retention, attracting new followers, increasing your exposure and growing your company.
Thriftypost.com is dedicated to helping small, medium, large and local businesses, like yours, that represent the very best your area has to offer. Let us help you grow your business; after all, you truly are part of the greater community.
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What can we do for your business?

nThe Thrifty Shopper targets the middle to upper income levels and they are the #1 users of coupons in the country.n

nEvery Door Mail is one of the MOST EFFECTIVE way to reach these homeowners and provides the most Return on Investment of all forms of advertising. It is also the most easily traceable ad media (redeemed coupons).n nEvery Door Mail Magazine have the longest “profitability” of all advertising media and our local Magazine may have the longest shelf life of every door mail.n nAdvertising in our magazine gets your message across to your targeted customers for less than two to three cents per household! That is less than 10% of the cost for an individual mailing and provides better results. The Thrifty Post magazine was designed to give local merchants an affordable marketing vehicle to reach new customers in their primary trade area.n nOur monthly magazine is a, full color, glossy, and attention grabber is welcomed in the homes of your most desirable clients. The magazine format is easy to use, gives your ad repeated views and usually remains in the homes for up to three full months!n nOur advertisers will testify that the response they receive is among the leading magazine in the mail industry.n nWe look forward to partnering with you to increase profits and your marketing objectives.

Are you...
​- Motivated
- Experienced
- Organized
- Professional
- Outgoing
- Fun
- Computer Savvy
We offer...
​- Competitive wages
- Protected territories
- Sales training
- Bonuses and incentives
- Health benefits
- The freedom to think outside the box
- Good possibilities for advancement
Your responsibilities...
​- Call on local businesses to present our products
- Work with our clients to product effective ad campaigns
- Increase existing revenue
- Build new business accounts
- Network
Print and Online Advertising Terms
Payment. Publisher will invoice Advertiser on a monthly basis, and payment is due within five (5) days of invoice date. If Advertiser fails to timely pay, Publisher may suspend the provision of services hereunder or immediately terminate this Agreement. Advertiser agrees to reimburse Publisher for all expenses incurred by Publisher in connection with the collection of amounts payable, including court costs and attorneys' fees. If this Agreement is terminated due to Advertiser's failure to timely pay, Publisher may rebill the Advertiser for the outstanding balance due at the open or earned contract rate, whichever is applicable, and all discounts shall be forfeited. All deliverables will be the property of Publisher until payment in full is received. If any amount is not paid by Advertiser when due, such amount shall bear interest at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum or the maximum amount permitted by law (whichever is lower), computed from the original due date until paid.

Billing/Credits. Any claims by Advertiser for a credit related to rates incorrectly invoiced or paid must be submitted in writing to Publisher within fifteen (15) days of the invoice date or the claim will be waived. In the event Advertiser is entitled to a credit due to over payment of an invoice, Advertiser must use the credit within thirty (30) days of issuance or the credit will be forfeited. No cash refunds will be provided for any credit earned by the Advertiser. All credits earned will be for the benefit of Advertiser

Taxes. In the event that any federal, state or local taxes are imposed on Advertiser’s use of the Services hereunder, such taxes shall be assumed and paid by Advertiser.

Content/License. Advertiser may, from time to time, provide Publisher with advertising materials, including, without limitation, text, data, video, audio, images, illustrations, and graphics, trademarks, service marks, and logos (collectively, "Advertiser Content") for use in connection with Publisher’s distribution of the Services purchased hereunder. Advertiser hereby grants Publisher and its designees a non-exclusive, worldwide, transferable, sub-licensable right and license (i) to use, reproduce, mirror, distribute, perform and display the Advertiser Content (or any portion thereof) via print and on the websites (mobile and traditional), properties, applications and/or devices described in this Agreement (including any Orders) (collectively, the "Distribution Networks"); (ii) to modify, copy, reformat, transmit and otherwise manipulate the Advertiser Content in connection with such display; and (iii) to use Advertiser’s name and logo in connection with providing the Services.

Clearances. Advertiser will be responsible, at its own cost and expense, for obtaining all clearances, authorizations, permissions, licenses, and releases (collectively, "Clearances") from third parties necessary to enable Publisher to distribute the Advertiser Content under this Section 4, including, without limitation, (i) Clearances for any of the following creative elements appearing in or otherwise displayed via the Advertiser Content: photos, video footage, music (including, without limitation, any synchronization and mechanical licenses), audio tracks, trademarks, service marks, and rights of publicity and other indicia of identity, and (ii) Clearances from any individuals or entities whose trademarks, service marks, other corporate indicia, names, voices, likenesses, and other indicia of identity may appear in any of the Advertiser Content.
Advertiser Approval Right. To the extent that Publisher and/or its affiliates are developing any creative or other deliverables on behalf of Advertiser under any Order (e.g., Ads, emails, social media campaigns, etc.), Advertiser will have two (2) days from receipt of any such deliverable to review and approve the deliverable. Advertiser must notify Publisher in writing of any rejection of the deliverable within two (2) days after receipt thereof or the deliverable will be deemed approved by Advertiser. Advertiser will not unreasonably withhold its approval. Only one (1) round of revisions shall be provided unless otherwise agreed by Publisher. Additional corrections or modifications will be subject to an additional charge and may result in delays in the service start date.
Ownership. All Advertiser Content or other materials furnished by Advertiser for use hereunder will remain the property of Advertiser and will be returned upon request. The results of any and all work performed by Publisher, including development of advertising material, creative work, or other content for Advertiser, will be the property of Publisher. Advertiser may not modify such material or authorize the reproduction or use of such material in any medium without Publisher’s prior written consent. Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, Advertiser and its affiliates may use such creative content only in the format provided by Publisher.
User Information. Any user or usage data or information collected via Publisher’s Digital Properties or related to Publisher’s Digital Properties, or any information collected from sites operated by Publisher’s affiliates under this Agreement, shall be the property of Publisher and/or such affiliates. Advertiser shall have no rights in such information by virtue of this Agreement. Any user or usage data or information collected via third part shall be the property (to the extent Advertisements are being placed online pursuant to the terms hereof).
Advertiser Warranties. Advertiser represents and warrants that (i) it has the full right, power and authority to grant the licenses and related rights granted herein and has acquired any and all Clearances that are necessary in connection with Publisher’s exercise of such rights and licenses, (ii) the Advertiser Content is true and accurate, does not violate any law or regulation and is not misleading, defamatory, libelous or slanderous, (iii) Publisher’s use of the Advertiser Content in connection with providing the Services will not infringe upon or violate the rights or property interests of any third party, including without limitation, any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other intellectual property or proprietary right of any other party, or any right of privacy or publicity, and (iv) Advertiser will maintain a privacy statement on its principal website ("Privacy Statement") that complies with applicable law and accurately and transparently discloses its privacy practices to users of such website, including any privacy practices implicated by the undertakings contemplated by this Agreement. Advertiser will notify Publisher in writing promptly if any of the foregoing representations and warranties becomes untrue.


Indemnity. Advertiser will indemnify and hold Publisher, Thrifty post (to the extent Advertiser has selected distribution of its Ads via the Yahoo! Properties, as described in Addendum A) any other entities that own or operate any of the Distribution Networks and each of their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, directors, employees, agents, vendors, and service providers (each a "Publisher Indemnitee") harmless from and against any and all suits, judgments, proceedings, claims, losses, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) (collectively, "Losses") arising out of a third-party claim resulting from (i) the Advertiser Content and other materials provided by Advertiser, or any websites or content that is linked to from any such Advertiser Content or other materials, including, without limitation, any claim such Advertiser Content or material is libelous or defamatory or violate or infringe the rights of any third party, including any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret, or other intellectual property or proprietary rights, or any rights of privacy or publicity, or claims based on Advertiser’s willful misconduct, negligence or strict liability for a defective product; (ii) violation of any laws, rules or regulations applicable to Advertiser’s business operations, products and/or services; (iii) any actual or alleged breach of Advertiser’s representations, warranties, or obligations under this Agreement; or (iv) Advertiser’s Privacy Statement. Advertiser shall defend at its own expense any claim instituted by any person or entity against a Publisher Indemnitee resulting from a claim arising in connection the advertising or the Services provided. The Publisher Indemnitee(s) will have the right, at its or their option, to defend such litigation jointly with Advertiser. Advertiser may not agree to any settlement that imposes any obligation or liability on a Publisher Indemnitee without such indemnitee’s prior written consent.


Agencies. If Advertiser is using an advertising agency in connection with this Agreement, Advertiser and such agency (the "Agency") shall be jointly and severally liable for compliance with the terms of this Agreement and any Order. Publisher may pursue any applicable remedies in the event of default of this Agreement (including any non-payment) against Advertiser or Agency or both without any requirement of first seeking a remedy from one or the other. This Agreement renders void any statements concerning liability which may appear on correspondence from Agency or Advertiser. Advertiser and Agency further agree that Publisher does not and will not accept orders or space reservations claiming sequential liability.

Assignment. Advertiser may not assign any of its rights and/or obligations hereunder or this Agreement without Publisher’s prior written consent. Publisher shall have the right to assign, delegate or transfer, its rights and obligations, under this Agreement, in whole or in part. Publisher shall provide written notice to Advertiser of any such assignment.

Governing Law/Waiver of Jury Trial. This Agreement will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. EACH PARTY SPECIFICALLY WAIVES ANY RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY COURT WITH RESPECT TO ANY CLAIM AGAINST THE OTHER ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED IN ANY WAY TO THIS AGREEMENT.

Force Majeure. Neither party will be liable to the other party for delays and/or defaults in its performance or commitments under this Agreement due to causes beyond its reasonable control and without its fault or negligence, including but not limited to acts of God or of the public enemy, fire or explosion, flood, earthquake, actions of the elements, war, riots, embargoes, quarantine, strikes, lockouts, disputes with workers or other labor disturbances, or acts or requests of any governmental authority.


If Advertiser is purchasing (i) print advertising ("Print Ads") for display in Publisher’s newspaper property(ies) (each a "Newspaper"), or (ii) online display advertising ("Digital Ads" and collectively with Print Ads, "Ads") for distribution on Publisher’s digital media property(ies) (e.g., Publisher’s website(s), Publisher’s tablet or mobile applications, digital display ads associated with the e-edition of Publisher’s newspaper, etc.) specified in the applicable Order (each a "Digital Property"), Cars.com, and/or on Yahoo! Properties (as defined below), then the additional terms and conditions set forth in this Addendum A and Addendum A-2 will apply to each Order submitted for such Advertising Services.

1. Rates. Unless otherwise specified in Advertising Commitment in connection with a Commitment from Advertiser, Advertiser’s purchase of Ads for display in the Newspapers, on the Digital Properties and/or on the Yahoo! Properties will be billed at Publisher’s Standard Rates. Advertiser acknowledges that it has been provided a copy of Publisher’s standard rate card. The rate card, including any terms and conditions in such rate card, are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference, provided that in the event of a conflict between any terms or conditions in the rate card and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will control. Publisher reserves the right to modify its rate card, including increasing its Standard Rates, at any time and from time to time. Publisher will provide Advertiser with at least 30 days’ prior written notice of any rate increase. If Advertiser objects to any such increase, it shall have the option to discontinue display of the applicable Ads by giving written notice to Publisher prior to the effective date of such changes. Advertiser’s right to discontinue the display of its Ads shall be its sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a rate increase. If Advertiser does not elect to discontinue display of the applicable Ads, then, following the expiration of the notice period, all Ads shall be billed at Publisher’s increased rates.

2. Yahoo! Ad Network. To the extent Advertiser has selected delivery of Ads across the Yahoo! Ad Network, Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that Publisher is acting as sales agent for Yahoo!, Inc. ("Yahoo!") and as such, can facilitate the placement of Ads on the Yahoo! Properties in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. For purposes of this Agreement, "Yahoo! Properties" means the website located at yahoo.com, including all sub-domains of yahoo.com and any mirror sites or successor sites to such web site and sub-domains and any or all of Yahoo!’s or its affiliates’ properties, software, products, services, web sites and web pages that are developed in whole or in part by or for Yahoo! or its affiliates, to the extent designated in the chart above.

3. Delivery.

3.1. Deadlines. Advertiser will provide Publisher all applicable Ads by Publisher’s standard deadline (as designated by Publisher), in a format suitable for display in the Newspaper(s) or on the applicable Digital Property(ies), as applicable, via a transmission method mutually agreed upon by the parties. Advertiser shall have the right to change any Ads(s) after submission, provided that it submits any such changes to Publisher no later than Publisher’s standard deadline (as designated by Publisher). Advertiser shall pay all expenses connected with the delivery of the Ad(s) to Publisher. Changes to any Ads after first publication may result in additional charges, which will be disclosed to Advertiser in advance.

3.2. Submission of Advertising Materials. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, Advertiser will provide all creative services and necessary text, data, images, illustrations or graphics and/or other materials with respect to the Ads(s). Advertiser will submit the Ad(s) in accordance with the applicable Publisher policies and/or Yahoo! policies (if applicable) in effect from time to time, including policies regarding artwork specifications, format and submission deadlines.

4. Ad Serving. Advertiser grants to Publisher and Yahoo!, as applicable, a license to (a) display Advertiser’s Ads on the Distribution Network; and (b) modify, copy, reformat, transmit and otherwise manipulate the Ads in connection with such display. Advertisements will be served in accordance with one of the following options:

4.1.By Publisher. If Publisher and/or Yahoo! will be responsible for serving the Digital Ads through its own ad servers, then Publisher and/or Yahoo! will track delivery of the Digital Ads through such servers. The parties agree that Publisher’s and/or Yahoo!’s final impression measurements will be used to determine the fees due under this Agreement.

4.2.By a Third Party. If a third party ("Third Party") will be responsible for serving the Digital Ads through such Third Party’s ad server, and such Third Party will track delivery of the Digital Ads through its server. The Third Party’s final audited impression measurements will be used to determine the fees due under this Agreement. If the parties agree to use a Third Party ad server under the terms of this Addendum, Advertiser agrees to provide Publisher with a user login name and password to access the Third Party’s impression measurements for purposes of verification of such measurements.

5. Invoices. Publisher agrees that invoices covering the delivery of Ads hereunder will contain: (a) the dates and times upon which Advertiser’s Ads were displayed in the Newspapers and/or the Digital Properties, and, if applicable, dates and times upon which the Ads could be accessed on the Digital Properties, (b) where applicable, the number of impressions, and/or click-throughs reported during such dates, and (c) the charge to Advertiser. The invoice shall serve as Publisher’s and Yahoo!’s (if applicable) certificate of performance.

6. Short-Rating. If Advertiser has made a Commitment in accordance with Advertising Commitment of this Agreement and, at the end of the Commitment Term set forth in Advertising Commitment Advertiser has either (i) purchased less volume (inches/pages/impressions) of Ads than agreed to in the Advertising Commitment or (ii) fallen short of the minimum revenue commitment agreed to in Advertising Commitment , then, if Publisher’s Standard Rates are higher than the rates Advertiser was paying during the Commitment Term, (a) Advertiser will be billed for (and will be obligated to pay) the difference between the Standard Rate and the Commitment Term rate for all Ads that ran during the Commitment Term, and (b) Advertiser will be billed at the Standard Rate (as such Standard Rate may be modified in accordance with Section 1, above) for all Ads run after the Commitment Period.

7. Cancellation.

7.1. Cancellation of Print Ads. Cancellations will not be accepted for Print Ads after the Publisher’s standard closing time, as designated by Publisher. Advertiser will be responsible for any production or creative services provided by Publisher regardless of the cancellation of any Print Ads.

7.2. Cancellation of Digital Ads

7.2.1. Cancellation Prior to Initial Distribution. At any time prior to the serving of the first impression of a Digital Ad on a Digital Property under this Agreement, Advertiser may cancel an online advertising campaign on thirty (30) days prior written notice to Publisher.

7.2.2. Cancellation After Initial Distribution Once the first impression of a Digital Ad has been served on any Digital Property, Advertiser may cancel an online advertising campaign by giving Publisher written notice of such cancellation, which cancellation will be deemed effective on the later of: (i) thirty (30) days after serving of the first impression of the applicable campaign; or (ii) fourteen (14) days after providing Publisher with such notice. If Advertiser exercises its right to cancel under this Paragraph 8(b), Advertiser will be responsible for all fees that accrue prior to the cancellation date.

8. Reservation of Rights. Publisher may reject, remove or cancel any Ad, space reservation or position commitment at any time in its sole discretion. Publisher also may edit, reject or remove from its Newspaper(s) and/or Digital Property(ies), at any time, any Ad or other material submitted by Advertiser or its Agency, or place the Ad in any Publisher advertising classification or section that Publisher deems appropriate. Publisher also shall have full latitude with respect to positioning all advertisements in the Newspapers; provided, however, that Publisher will use its reasonable efforts to accommodate Advertiser's positioning requests.

9. Responsibility for Advertisements.

9.1. Technical Quality; Typographical Errors; Incorrect Insertions or Omissions. Publisher is not responsible for any material that is not properly displayed or that cannot be accessed or viewed because the material was not received by Publisher in the proper form, in a timely manner, or in an acceptable technical quality for display on the Digital Property(ies) and/or the Yahoo! Properties (if applicable). This Agreement cannot be invalidated, and neither Publisher nor Yahoo! will be liable for typographical errors, incorrect insertions or incorrect publication or omissions in any Advertiser Content displayed or published pursuant to this Agreement or omitted from display or publication.

9.2 Failure to Display Advertiser Content. Publisher and Yahoo! (to the extent Advertisements are being placed on the Yahoo! Properties hereunder) are not required to display any Advertiser Content or other material for the benefit of any person or entity other than Advertiser. If there is an interruption or omission of the publication of any Advertiser Content or other material contracted to be published hereunder, Publisher and/or Yahoo! (to the extent applicable) may suggest a substitute time period for the publication of the interrupted or omitted Advertiser Content or material or run the Ads in a different position in the Newspaper(s) or on the Digital Property(ies), as determined by Publisher. Alternatively, in cases where Advertiser is paying on a fixed fee basis or has paid in advance, and if no such substitute time period is acceptable to Advertiser in Advertiser’s good faith business judgment, Publisher shall provide a "make good" in the form of a reduction in the amount of fees due to Publisher (or credit of fees already paid) equal to the proportionate amount of money assigned to the interrupted or omitted Ad(s). Such substitution in time period or placement or reduction in fees shall be Advertiser’s sole and exclusive remedy for any failure to display Ads or other advertising material and Publisher and Yahoo! (to the extent Advertisements are being placed on the Yahoo! Properties hereunder) shall have no further liability hereunder for such failure.

9.3. Removal or Change of Content. Publisher and/or Yahoo! (to the extent Advertisements are being placed on the Yahoo! Properties hereunder) in its sole discretion, may remove or revise its Newspaper(s) and/or Digital Property(ies), including the Newspapers’ and/or Digital Properties’ content, nature, design, and/or organization, during the term of this Agreement. If any such revision materially alters the value of the Ad(s) to be run by Advertiser, Publisher will notify Advertiser of such revisions. If the parties cannot agree upon a satisfactory substitution for the affected ads due to such revision, Advertiser may cancel this Agreement with respect to the affected Ad(s) and shall not have to pay (or shall receive a refund) for Ads not displayed due to such cancellation. Such cancellation shall be Advertiser’s sole and exclusive remedy and Publisher shall have no further liability whatsoever.

10. Pre-Print Policy. All pre-prints must conform to the Publisher’s standard pre-print specifications and recommended waste calculations, which will be provided by each Publisher. Inserts must be delivered to the Publisher at least 10 days in advance of distribution date. The Publisher will invoice pre-print billing quantities based on copies actually distributed (i.e., home delivery net sales, single copy total draw, and other circulation). Advertiser agrees to be billed the ordered distribution in the event that out of specification inserts are received.

11. Native Advertising. This section applies if the campaign(s) described in the Agreement contemplate that Publisher will distribute Branded Content or Native Advertising campaigns on behalf of Advertiser, ("Native Advertising"). Native Advertising can include short-form content or long-form content, videos, emails, or social media posts that is published on Publisher’s print and/or digital platforms and that is either (i) created by or on behalf of Publisher, at Advertiser’s direction, for the purpose of enabling Publisher to run a contextually relevant advertisement on behalf of Advertiser ("Publisher Content"), or (ii) is created or provided by Advertiser or its designee for placement by Publisher in or on its print or digital properties specified herein ("Advertiser Content"). Advertiser, in its sole discretion, will have the right to approve any Publisher Content prior to publication or distribution by Publisher in connection with the campaign described herein, and Publisher, in its sole discretion, will have the right to approve any Advertiser Content prior to publication or distribution by Publisher in connection with such campaign. For clarity, Publisher will not be obligated to publish, via any platform, any Advertiser Content that Publisher determines, in its sole discretion, does not meet Publisher’s content guidelines or is otherwise inappropriate for publication. In addition, Publisher reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to include labels in, on and/or around any Native Advertising published on behalf of Advertiser hereunder that indicate that the applicable Native Advertising content was sponsored by and/or provided by Advertiser.

11.1 FTC Guidelines. Publisher and Advertiser shall comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations, including without limitation the FTC’s Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials and the FTC’s Enforcement Policy Native Advertising.

12. Pay for Performance / Lead Generation. This section applies to an Advertisement in the Publication or on the Publication’s website which include a designated phone number or a tracking code or a click through from the Publication’s Site to the Advertiser by which Publication and Advertiser can track and verify readers to respond to and offer in the Advertisement. Any specific qualifications for the lead shall be included in the Insertion Order or on the Advertising Commitment. Publication shall have the right to audit the Advertiser’s records to confirm the number of qualified leads generated by the Advertisement. Publication shall be provided with access to the call tracking records and other records maintained by Advertiser. Publication shall be paid a percentage of the revenue generated from the lead or a fee per lead as specified in the Advertising Commitment or Insertion Order. Only unused print and digital inventory will be available for the Advertisements. The frequency, location, and placement of the Advertisements shall be determined by Publisher, in its sole discretion.


If Advertiser is purchasing digital marketing services under this Agreement ("Marketing Services"), then the additional terms and conditions set forth in this Addendum B will apply to each Order Advertiser submits for such Marketing Services. ReachLocal and Sweet IQ Analytics, affiliates of Publisher, are Pay Per Click Service, SEO Service, Maps/Reputation Management Service, Social Media Service, Web Design/Development/Hosting Service, and/or other Marketing Services. ReachLocal’s applicable terms and conditions at https://www.reachlocal.com/tc apply to the services it provides. SweetIQ Analytic’s applicable terms and conditions at https://www.sweetiq.com/tc apply to the services it provides. Publisher has engaged G/O Digital to provide Email Marketing Services. G/O Digital’s applicable terms and conditions at https://www.godigitalmarketing.com apply to the Email Marketing Service. For clarity, if Advertiser has not purchased a particular Service described below, then the terms below relating to that Service will not apply to Advertiser.

1. Rates. Unless otherwise specified on Advertising Commitment from Advertiser, Advertiser’s purchase of Marketing Services will be billed at Publisher’s Standard Rates. Advertiser acknowledges that it has been provided a copy of Publisher’s standard rate card for Marketing Services. The rate card, including any terms and conditions in such rate card, are hereby incorporated into this Agreement by reference, provided that in the event of a conflict between any terms or conditions in the rate card and the terms of this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement will control. Publisher reserves the right to modify its rate card, including increasing its Standard Rates for Marketing Services, at any time and from time to time. Publisher will provide Advertiser with at least 30 days’ prior written notice of any rate increase. If Advertiser objects to any such increase, it shall have the option to discontinue use of the applicable Marketing Services by giving written notice to Publisher prior to the effective date of such changes. Advertiser’s right to discontinue the use of particular Marketing Services shall be its sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a rate increase. If Advertiser does not elect to discontinue use of the applicable Marketing Services, then, following the expiration of the notice period, all Marketing Services shall be billed at Publisher’s increased rates.

2. Marketing Services.

2.1. Pay Per Click ("PPC") Service. Publisher will create ads based on the Advertiser Content and will distribute the Ads through the Publisher Distribution Networks. Advertiser will have the opportunity to review and approve all PPC campaigns prior to launch. Advertiser will be solely responsible for all content associated with any PPC campaign. Fees are based upon the number of clicks on ads by users, based on the cost per click ("CPC") rate set forth in the applicable Order.

2.2. Search Engine Optimization ("SEO") Service. The SEO Service includes the optimization of the chosen number of keywords (e.g., 5, 10, 15 or custom) and the application of "on page" and "off page" SEO strategies for Advertiser’s website, with the goal of obtaining improved ranking in organic search engine results for selected keywords. To the extent Advertiser’s website is not hosted by Publisher, Advertiser will provide access to its website to enable Publisher to perform the SEO Service. Notwithstanding the foregoing or anything in this Agreement to the contrary, Advertiser acknowledges that, although Publisher will use reasonable efforts to optimize the ranking of Advertiser’s ads based on the selected keywords, Publisher makes no guarantee that Advertiser’s search ranking position will be maintained or optimized. Advertiser agrees that Publisher will not be liable for any unfavorable ranking results of Advertiser’s ads, whether such unfavorable results arise from the SEO Service or from an act or omission of the applicable search engine.

2.3. Maps/Reputation Management Service. This Service is designed to help Advertiser’s business listing appear in the "Google Maps/Places" in response to searches for Advertiser’s optimized keywords. Advertiser acknowledges that search results and search engine rankings are influenced by several factors, and Publisher does not guarantee any placement in the "Google Maps/Places" or a particular position or rank for Advertiser’s website or business listing in any search results.

2.4. Keywords. Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that Publisher, in its discretion, may select keywords for the PPC and SEO campaigns and for Maps Reputation Management Services. Publisher will use reasonable efforts to use Customer provided keywords; however, Publisher cannot guarantee that all of the Customer’s keywords will be used.

2.5. Email Marketing Service. Publisher’s Email Service includes the creation of email marketing messages based on the Advertiser Content and transmission of email messages on behalf of Advertiser. Advertiser will have the opportunity to review and approve all email marketing messages prior to the launch of an email marketing campaign under the applicable Order. Publisher will determine the transmittal date and time. The Order will specify (i) whether Publisher or Advertiser determines the recipient list and (ii) the number of recipients and the number of transmittals to the recipient list. Publisher does not make any representations or warranties about deliverability or open rates. Upon request of Publisher, Advertiser will provide its Do-Not-Email list for Publisher’s use in deleting addresses on such list from the recipient list. Advertiser represents and warrants that its Do-Not-Email list includes addresses for all recipients who have opted out of receiving emails from Advertiser.

2.6. Social Media Service. Publisher’s Social Media Service includes the creation and maintenance of Advertiser’s social media accounts (e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc.) on the sites as agreed upon by Publisher and Advertiser. To the extent Advertiser’s social media accounts are already claimed by Advertiser or its representative, Advertiser will provide administrative credentials for such social media outlets to enable Publisher to provide the Social Media Service as contemplated herein. Advertiser shall have the opportunity to review and approve all social media posts, tweets, and other social media statements or content prior to publication of the post, tweet, statement or other content distributed by or on behalf of Advertiser via Advertiser’s social media accounts. Advertiser will ensure that all such content complies with applicable law and applicable social media service’s terms of service, as such terms of service may be modified from time to time. Advertiser further acknowledges that Publisher does not operate or otherwise control any third-party social media service. Publisher is not responsible or otherwise liable for any inaccuracy on, or unavailability of, any third-party social media service.

2.7. Web Design/Development/Hosting Service. [Desktop or Mobile]: Publisher will design, develop, and/or update the Advertiser’s website as part of this service. Publisher’s Services may include hosting a website for Advertiser, including performing maintenance and controlling the functionality and accessibility of the website. Publisher may perform these Services directly or through a subcontractor. Advertiser is required to provide Publisher with its terms of use and privacy policy to be displayed on its website.

3. Ancillary Services. In connection Advertiser’s subscription to with one or more of the Marketing Services described in Section 1, above, Publisher may provide the following ancillary Services:

3.1. Proxy Sites. Publisher may provide a mirrored version of the Advertiser’s website ("Proxy Site"). In order to use the proxy service, (i) Advertiser’s website must be operational, functional, and accessible through the Internet, and (ii) the URL visible above the Proxy Site to users clicking on the Advertiser’s ad must reflect the website address for the Proxy Site and NOT that of the Advertiser’s website. Advertiser agrees that Publisher is in no way responsible for the operation and functionality of the Advertiser’s website. Advertiser agrees that it has all rights to the content on the Advertiser’s existing website and Advertiser is able to grant the right to Publisher to use the content in connection with the Services.

3.2 Call Recording Services. If Advertiser elects to use the Call Recording Service in connection with one or more of the Marketing Services described in Section 1, above, Publisher will, on Advertiser’s behalf, record (i) calls between Advertiser and its clients regarding the Services (the "Service Calls") and (ii) incoming calls to Advertiser from prospective clients of Advertiser (the "Inbound Calls") (collectively "Call Recording"). Advertiser acknowledges that the purpose for Call Recording is for auditing this Agreement and the Services in the Order. Advertiser grants specific permission to Publisher to administer, monitor, use and access Call Recording and the content of the recorded calls as Advertiser’s agent. Publisher will provide prompt disclosure in Call Recording that the Service Call or Inbound Call may be recorded ("Recording Notification"). Advertiser acknowledges that it is responsible for notifying and/or obtaining the consent to Call Recording from its representatives (including employees, agents and independent contractors) who may be recorded in a Service Call or Inbound Call. For clarity, Advertiser acknowledges and agrees that Publisher is not responsible to provide any notice in connection with Call Recording other than Recording Notification. Advertiser specifically acknowledges that Publisher is not responsible to provide notice of rights of the Advertiser’s clients and prospective clients relating to potentially confidential or privileged communications. Any notice required by law other than Recording Notification is the sole responsibility of the Advertiser.

4. Indemnification for Call Recording. Without limiting Advertiser’s indemnification obligations under Section 8.1 of the Terms and Conditions, if Advertiser uses the Call Recording service, Advertiser agrees to indemnify and hold the Publisher Indemnitees harmless from and against any and all Losses arising out of a third-party claim resulting from any failure by Advertiser to comply with the requirements of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996(ii) Advertiser’s use or misuse of the Call Recording service. Advertiser shall not use the Call Recording service to intimidate, harass, or otherwise violate the privacy or other rights of a caller and a Recorded Person. If Publisher learns about any alleged misuse of the Call Recording service, Publisher reserves the right to terminate the totality of Advertiser use of the Call Recording service without notice or liability.

5. Additional Terms. The third party vendor’s policies regarding cancellation and termination of orders, including but not limited to cancellation fees, shall apply. If the Advertiser cancels an order early, the Advertiser will be billed through the next billing cycle. For example, if the Advertiser cancels prior to the end of the month, the Advertiser will be billed through the end of the next calendar month. If the Advertiser cancels prior to the end of the four (4) month minimum commitment, the Advertiser will be billed for four (4) full months. Upon cancellation, the Advertiser must notify Publisher in writing if the online advertising should cease, if no notice is provided, the advertising will be active through the end of the commitment.


If Advertiser is purchasing Digital Ads for distribution on Cars.com, the additional terms and conditions set forth in this Addendum A-2 will apply to each Product Order for such Ads. Publication is an agent which accepts orders for Advertisements to be displayed on Cars.com.

1. Definitions. "Cars.com" collectively means Cars.com, LLC and its subsidiaries and affiliates. "Content" means all content and materials provided or made accessible by Customer to Cars.com, including links, banner ads, videos, vehicle inventory data, text, branding, photos and images. "DMS" means Customer's dealer management system. "Laws" means all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations, including dealer licensing laws, vehicle advertising laws, the Federal Do-Not Call rules, and the Federal CAN-SPAM rules. "Listings" means those listings of Customer vehicles that are based on the Content and displayed on the Sites by Cars.com and on the sites of Cars.com's distribution partners. "Materials" means all materials and services provided or made accessible by Cars.com to Customer, including web sites, software, technology, and other intellectual property, registered or not. "Policies" means the Cars.com advertising policies located online at http://dealers.cars.com/adpolicies, as updated from time to time. "Product(s)" means the products selected by Customer as set forth in the Order Form. "Sites" means the Web site located at www.cars.com (and any natural evolution thereof) and any mobile, private-labeled, co-branded or other versions of the site, and any other web sites owned or operated by or on behalf of Cars.com, regardless of URL. "User Data" means any personally identifiable information and financial information related to a user (including first name, last name, address, phone number, email address, social security number, and financial information) that is received by Customer through its use of a Product.

2. Term and Termination. Orders cannot be cancelled during their initial term. The initial term for each Order made under this Agreement shall be the period specified in the Order Form, or if no initial term is specified, for 12 months, and shall commence upon delivery of a Product. Cars.com reserves the right to discontinue any Product at any time and may suspend performance for Customer's failure to pay any invoice when due or Customer's failure to comply with the Policies.

3. Content. Customer grants Cars.com a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, transferable, license to access, edit, store, enhance, modify, adapt, translate, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, publish, perform and display publicly, prepare derivative works of, and otherwise use Content, and to sublicense such rights through multiple tiers. Cars.com reserves the right to modify the Sites and Products, and to edit or reject any Content or portion thereof from use on the Sites or Products in its sole discretion and without notice.

4. DMS Access. If Customer requests that Cars.com extract Content from a DMS, Customer will provide Cars.com with all user names, passwords, and other information necessary for Cars.com and any agents and contractors working on Cars.com's behalf to access the DMS and extract Content. In the event of such request, Customer expressly consents to Cars.com and its agents and contractors accessing and extracting Content from the DMS on an ongoing basis until such consent is revoked with written notice to Cars.com. Subject to applicable Law, Cars.com shall have a reasonable period of time to effect such revocation.

5. Materials, Products and User Data. Customer may use the Materials solely as necessary for it to use the Products for their intended purpose. Customer shall not use or permit the use of the Products in any unauthorized manner. Materials and Products will remain the sole and exclusive property of Cars.com and its licensors. When contacted regarding a Listing, Customer agrees to respond to users in the manner requested by the user within 4 business hours. Customer agrees to protect User Data in accordance with the Law and use User Data solely to fulfill user requests and to provide customer service to the user.


7. Confidentiality. Customer agrees not to disclose to any party or use for any purpose any non-public business, technical, or other information relating to or provided by Cars.com, including the terms of this Agreement and Cars.com's trade secrets, marketing plans, business plans, product plans, pricing, financial information, software, and intellectual property. Customer agrees not to sell, lease, license, rent, transfer, or otherwise provide User Data to third parties (other than disclosing User Data to third parties as necessary for such parties to provide the permitted services on behalf of Customer) or use User Data in any other unauthorized manner, including spam, junk mail, or direct marketing.

8. Advertising Errors or Omissions. Cars.com is solely responsible for any errors or omissions in connection with display and publication of Customer Content, subject to Cars.com standard terms and conditions available at https://dealers.cars.com/adpolicies and www.cars.com. Publication shall have no liability (financial or otherwise) for any such errors or omissions.


If Advertising is purchasing a Sponsorship of or receiving benefits in connection with a Publisher Event, as specified in the Advertising Commitment or the applicable Order, the terms and conditions below shall apply.

1. Cancellations. Sponsorship Fees (i.e., the amount listed on the Advertising Commitment) are non-refundable. Advertiser may not cancel or terminate its sponsorship. If an Event is cancelled by the Publisher and not rescheduled, the Advertiser may receive a refund of a portion of its Sponsorship Fee. The amount refunded will be determined after deducting (i) any non-refundable costs and expenses associated with the Event and (ii) any promotional advertising for the Event that has already been published or displayed. Any trade or complimentary advertising included in the Sponsorship Fee shall be forfeited.

2. Content and Creative. Publisher shall be solely responsible for creating all promotional materials (print and digital), signage, or program(s) for the Event or the Program. Advertiser shall be identified as a promotional sponsor of the Event or Program in the promotional materials, signage and program book (if applicable). Publisher has sole discretion to determine the volume, frequency, number of impressions of any advertising for the Event, placement of advertising (print and/or digital), and positioning of Advertiser’s name. Publisher has sole discretion to determine if any radio, TV or billboard advertising will be provided.

3. Limit of Liability. Publisher is not liable for any interruption, error or omission regarding any advertising (print, online, or other media). Publisher is not liable for cancellation or rescheduling of an Event, due to unavailability of the venue where the Event is being held or due to circumstances beyond its control.

4. Advertising Value. The advertising value being provided to Advertiser shall apply solely to advertising and promoting the Event. Unused advertising will expire on the expiration date the sponsorship and will be forfeited. Advertising value cannot be bartered, sold, transferred to, or used, in whole or in part, by any third party. The advertising value may not be used to fulfill any other advertising commitment between Advertiser and Publisher.

5. Renewal Option. If the Sponsorship is for an annual Event, program, product, or service, the parties must agree in writing upon the terms of the renewal at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the current Sponsorship. The renewal terms shall be stated in a new Advertising Commitment or Order.

6. Insurance. If the Sponsorship includes the Advertiser attending the Event (as exhibitor or vendor) to market its products and services, the Advertiser shall maintain insurance issued by a company reasonably acceptable to Publisher, for the following insurance: (i) commercial general liability insurance, including coverage for property damage, personal injury, or death in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; (ii) automobile liability insurance in an amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence; (iii) worker’s compensation insurance in amounts as statutorily required; (iv) product liability insurance in an amount of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury, illness, and property damage combined; and (v) professional liability insurance in amount of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence. A copy of the certificate(s) of insurance, naming the Publisher, Thrifty Post., and its subsidiaries and affiliates as additional insureds, shall be provided to Publisher prior to the Event.

7. Publicity. Any press releases or public announcements regarding the Sponsorship which will include Publisher’s name, are subject to Publisher’s prior review and approval. Such approval may be granted or denied in Publisher’s sole discretion.
Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy.

Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
We will collect and use of personal information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
We will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.

Website Terms and Conditions of Use
1. Terms

By accessing this web site, you are agreeing to be bound by these web site Terms and Conditions of Use, all applicable laws and regulations, and agree that you are responsible for compliance with any applicable local laws. If you do not agree with any of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this web site are protected by applicable copyright and trade mark law.
2. Use License

Permission is granted to temporarily download one copy of the materials (information or software) on Thrifty Post's web site for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:
modify or copy the materials;
use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial);
attempt to decompile or reverse engineer any software contained on Thrifty Post's web site;
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This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Thrifty Post's at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.

3. Disclaimer

The materials on Thrifty Post's web site are provided "as is". Thrifty Post's makes no warranties, expressed or implied, and hereby disclaims and negates all other warranties, including without limitation, implied warranties or conditions of merchant ability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement of intellectual property or other violation of rights. Further, Thrifty Post's does not warrant or make any representations concerning the accuracy, likely results, or reliability of the use of the materials on its Internet web site or otherwise relating to such materials or on any sites linked to this site.

4. Limitations

In no event shall Thrifty Post's or its suppliers be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of data or profit, or due to business interruption,) arising out of the use or inability to use the materials on Thrifty Post's Internet site, even if Thrifty Post's or a Thrifty Post's authorized representative has been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage. Because some jurisdictions do not allow limitations on implied warranties, or limitations of liability for consequential or incidental damages, these limitations may not apply to you.
5. Revisions and Errata

The materials appearing on Thrifty Post web site could include technical, typographical, or photographic errors. Thrifty Post does not warrant that any of the materials on its web site are accurate, complete, or current. Thrifty Post may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. Thrifty Post does not, however, make any commitment to update the materials.
6. Links

Thrifty Post has not reviewed all of the sites linked to its Internet web site and is not responsible for the contents of any such linked site. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Thrifty Post of the site. Use of any such linked web site is at the user's own risk.
7. Site Terms of Use Modifications

Thrifty Post may revise these terms of use for its web site at any time without notice. By using this web site you are agreeing to be bound by the then current version of these Terms and Conditions of Use.
8. Governing Law

Any claim relating to Thrifty Post web site shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida without regard to its conflict of law provisions.

General Terms and Conditions applicable to Use of a Web Site.
Privacy Policy

Your privacy is very important to us. Accordingly, we have developed this Policy in order for you to understand how we collect, use, communicate and disclose and make use of personal information. The following outlines our privacy policy.

Before or at the time of collecting personal information, we will identify the purposes for which information is being collected.
We will collect and use of personal information solely with the objective of fulfilling those purposes specified by us and for other compatible purposes, unless we obtain the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law.
We will only retain personal information as long as necessary for the fulfillment of those purposes.
We will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and, where appropriate, with the knowledge or consent of the individual concerned.
Personal data should be relevant to the purposes for which it is to be used, and, to the extent necessary for those purposes, should be accurate, complete, and up-to-date.
We will protect personal information by reasonable security safeguards against loss or theft, as well as unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.
We will make readily available to customers information about our policies and practices relating to the management of personal information.

We are committed to conducting our business in accordance with these principles in order to ensure that the confidentiality of personal information is protected and maintained.
Why Newspapers

It's time to wake up, Florida newspapers! For too long, other media sources have been heralding the decline of newspapers. Nothing could be further from the truth. Not only have the Thrifty Post and digital Post survived the economic downturn, many are now thriving with new innovation, an engaged audience, and increased readership.
The Thrifty Post wants to help your business push forward. This paper is devoted to providing subscribers with marketing tools designed to assist in sales, marketing, readership, and more.
If you have questions or ideas on what you'd like to see included in this section, please contact us at sales@thriftypost.com.
The Thrifty Post continues to offer more digital options to both readers and advertisers, generating revenue from these platforms remains a top priority.
Nearly 8 in 10 Floridians adults read advertisement mail, in print or online, in the past week.
Printed papers are the No. 1 source of local sales and shopping information – ahead of all other media.
61% of Floridian consumers make a purchase at least once per month, as a result of a print ad.
79% of newspaper readers said print papers make them feel connected to their community.